2023, “Touch of Light”, interview, Gallery FSU, EDU TV
2023, “Eco perspectives: Balance and balance”, interview, RTS, cultural editorial office
2022, “The Process of Painting”, interview, TV Prva
2022, “That I Am Someone”, interview, Tv N1
2021, “Plant a Tree”, ECOlucija podcast, TV Kurir
2021, “Ecolution”, interview, TV Kurir
2020, “Sonars”, Heritage House Gallery, Belgrade, interview, RTS, Cultural Diary
2019, “30 Minutes”, interview, TV Link
2016. “Fantastic Landscape”, Gallery Chaos, interview, RTS, Metropolis
2015, “Belgrade at Night”, interview, TV Studio B
2015, “Words and Images”, interview, Radio Studio B
2014, Gallery ULUS, Belgrade (opening exhibition)
2013, Djordje Stanojevic, interview, TV Crna Gora
2013, “Podgorina”, Gallery Osecina, Osecina
2013, interview, Vijesti, Podgorica
2012, Kosta Bogdanovic, opening exhibition “Growing”, gallery Nova, Belgrade
2012, “Growing”, gallery Nova, Belgrade, interview
2012, “Growing”, Radio Belgrade I, interview
2012, “Grounding”, Mikser Festival, Belgrade, interview
2009, “Inscriptions”, gallery Magacin, Belgrade, interview
2008, “Presence”, National Museum, Valjevo, interview
2008, “Earth”,gallery SKC, Belgrade, interview