The Concept of Nature in the Work of Đorđe Stanojević
The Concept of Nature in the Work of Đorđe StanojevićĐorđe Stanojević is not some kind of a visionary eco-artist with a master plan for saving the Earth, nor was he ever…
The Concept of Nature in the Work of Đorđe StanojevićĐorđe Stanojević is not some kind of a visionary eco-artist with a master plan for saving the Earth, nor was he ever…
Painting with NatureĐorđe Stanojević’s art exploits those potentials of the humanistic and utopian heritage of Moderne Art which attempt to reconcile in different ways the antagonisms created in the relationship…
To Paint like Nature... By leaving Belgrade, I took the radical step of abandoning an aestheticized hyperproduction and moving to the countryside. That has enabled me to realize an artistic…
With Earth and on EarthDjordje Stanojevic (1974) is among the solidly educated and creative individuals whose work is marked by contemplation of existential problems, with special focus on the relationship…
Painting of the EarthA very long time ago, according to a legend, when the first humans asked the earth what it was, it replied it was nobody and nothing, but…
GroundingGrounding is a direct, physical connection to the Earth. It prevents shocks and extreme voltage by balancing the potentials of earth and sky.The Works within this exhibition are trying to…
The Power of the EarthHistory took a strange course in this region of ours. A meeting place of different cultures and religions was in equal measure a place of conflicts…
Poetic of the EarthRemaining faithful to the land means to chasten the suicidality of the modern world. The land is sincere thus enabling ultimate powers of technological development. To do…
Nature: It's enoughNature=ArtThe significance of nature grows in the 21st century. Not only it has to do with the exploitation and techno-industrial use of nature, but with an initiative for…
Scrapes and LifeSOMETHING FROM NOTHINGFRIDAY, December 3, 2010Today I read an interview with Jackson Pollock done in the 1950s. In the interview, he spoke about how the new American art…